Wednesday, June 6, 2007


Being lost...
is the worst thing in the entire world!
And when your in not only a new city but a new country where you dont even speak the language it makes being lost a million times worse.
Just today I was unfortunate enough to get VERY lost and was therefore an hour late for class.
The interesting part about getting lost is how differently each person reacts to it. Some become navigators, some followers, some complainers, and some just freak out.
I find that when I am alone I freak out, but if put in the position where im in a group or with others who are freaking out I feel it is my duty to remain composed and try to fix the situation.
Today for example I was distressed about having to ride on metros and buses that were so packed i could barely breath, but when i saw how others were distressed I managed to pull myself together and pretend to be composed so I could be helpful.
Being lost is stressful on everyone both emotionally and physcially, but it is how you react that determines the outcome of the situation.

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